Patriot Dental

Lost A Dental Veneer? Here’s What to Do Next

March 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 4:06 pm
Patient looking concerned after their dental veneer fell off

Imagine this; one minute you’re eating at a restaurant and the next, pop! Your dental veneer falls off! What do you do? The answer can be hard to find in a moment of panic, so it’s best to research a plan. With the right knowledge and quick action, you can navigate the situation and restore your smile in no time. If you want a step-by-step guide on what to do if your dental veneer falls off, continue reading.


Big Reasons Why Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors

February 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 3:17 pm
A lovely young lady doing a thumbs up at a dentist’s office

True enough, it’s often older adults who need dentures. People in their twilight years are the ones most likely to lose teeth. Still, dentures aren’t just for seniors. The truth is that even younger adults can benefit from these oral devices. By wearing them, anyone can enjoy the perks of dental prosthetics. Just let your Pensacola dentist explain things. So, here’s why dentures help non-seniors and the ways they benefit younger adults.


The Secret to Healthy Dentures

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 9:18 am
Someone with dentures smiling

If you’ve been missing many of your teeth for a long time, getting dentures can represent a massive improvement in how you look and feel. However, as with any large lifestyle shift, it’ll take some time for you to adjust to your prosthetic.

A big part of that is learning how to care effectively for your dentures. This will become second-nature after a while, but at first, it’s natural to become a little bit overwhelmed by what it will take to keep your prosthetic in good condition. Here’s what you should know to make that process much easier.


The Adherent Advantage: Best Practices for Denture Adhesive

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 5:14 pm
a pair of dentures next to a tube of denture adhesive

For patients having trouble with getting their dentures to stay still, denture adhesive could be a game-changer. For decades, this sticky substance has been ensuring a secure and comfortable fit for denture wearers. If you’re new to using denture adhesive or looking to enhance your application technique, this guide will provide you with the best practices for achieving a confident and worry-free smile.


It’s Never Too Late: Why You’re Not Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 7:58 pm
Woman with white and grey hair in a white shirt smiling

Did you know that growing older impacts your smile? Between continually shifting teeth and inevitable wear and tear, it’s common to develop dental dilemmas in your later years. This can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance enough that it impacts your daily quality of life. Many patients hesitate to do anything about it because they assume they’ve aged out of potential solutions. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides treatments that can reverse the clock. Continue reading to learn about 3 common problems elderly adults face with their teeth and how your dentist can address them!


Can My Child Get Cosmetic Dentistry?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 7:45 am
Picture of a smiling teen

As a parent, you want your child or teen to have the best, including a confident, radiant smile. However, when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, you might wonder if it’s suitable for your young one. Let’s navigate through this topic to help you make an informed decision.


How Far Has Cosmetic Dentistry Come?

September 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 7:37 pm

Smiling female dental patient looking in mirrorMore people than ever before are turning to cosmetic dentistry to achieve picture-perfect smiles. However, flawless teeth aren’t a new fashion trend. Ancient civilizations tried their hands at cosmetic procedures. Thankfully, you don’t have to use urine to whiten your teeth anymore. Here is how cosmetic dentistry has changed over the centuries to provide the dazzling results you see today.


Three Ways You Can Look Younger with Cosmetic Dentistry

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 9:59 pm
Smiling woman

Cosmetic dentistry can be like a time machine for your smile that can take you back to its shinier glory days. Have you ever looked at your teeth and thought about how you could do without the stains, chips, and other flaws that you’ve accumulated during your life? The good news is that cosmetic dentistry can probably get rid of them for you! Here are three dental procedures that can put a youthful shine back in your pearly whites.


Why Has Cosmetic Dentistry Gotten So Popular Over the Past Few Years?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 10:35 am
Patient sitting next to a shade guide

People have always been interested in getting healthier and more beautiful smiles, but in the past few decades, the dental industry has witnessed massive growth in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

People all over the country are changing the look of their smiles, and there are plenty of tools at their disposal to make that easy and convenient for them. There are a few reasons that’s the case, and learning more about them will tell you a lot about what cosmetic dentistry can do for you. Here’s what has made this field so popular.


Why Picking an Implant Dentist with a Cone Beam Scanner Is Your Best Bet

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — patriotdental @ 8:16 pm
a dental office with a cone beam scanner

Dental implants are the name of the game when it comes to replacing missing teeth—these incredible posts have assisted countless patients with rebuilding their smiles and boosting their oral health. And thanks to advancements in dental technology, the process of placing implants has become remarkably easier and streamlined. One of these innovations is the cone beam scanner, a unique tool that provides detailed information to your dentist that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Here’s a closer look at this piece of equipment and how it helps your dentist place dental implants with great ease and unmatched precision!

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